Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Diwrnod yn y stiwdio gyda Yr Ods / A Day in the studio with 'Yr Ods'

  Mae Yr Ods wedi sefydlu eu hunain ymysg prif fandiau y SRG. Gyda caneuon fel ‘Y Bel yn Rowlio’, ‘Cofio Chdi o’r Ysgol’, ‘Turn Around’ a ‘Fel Hyn am Byth’ yn cael eu chwarae yn aml ar C2 a rhaglenni teledu S4C, mae’r band wedi llwyddo i adeiladu dilyniant mawr o fewn y SRG. Wrth iddyn nhw weithio ar albym newydd , ges i’r cyfle i ddal i fyny hefo Griff, Gruff, Rhys a’r ddau Osian wrth iddynt agosau tuag at ddiwedd y cyfnod recordio:
‘Sbwriel, cartŵns a lyrics’. Dyma oedd yn fy wynebu wrth i mi gerdded i mewn i sesiwn recordio Yr Ods yn Stiwdio Sain, Llandwrog. Yn sicr, mae’r albwm yma yn hir-ddisgwyliedig ymysg dilynwyr y band o Ogledd Cymru, gyda phawb yn edrych ymlaen i glywed faint o newid fydd na yn sŵn y band. Mae’r band wedi newid eu swn yn gyson ers i Griff a Gruff gychwyn y band yn 2007, gan ddatblygu o fod yn fand “giataraidd” i fod yn fand pop, gyda ‘synths’ yn amlwg iawn yn eu caneuon. Ond yn ôl y canwr a’r gitarydd, Griff Lynch, bydd elfennau o bob cyfnod yn hanes y band i’w clywed ar yr albwm newydd, fydd yn cael ei rhyddhau yn yr Hydref. Mae dylanwadau amlwg gan fandiau ‘Britpop’ y 90’au fel Pulp yn eu caneuon, fel rydym wedi gweld eisoes ar yr EP ddiweddar. Ond yn ôl Rhys Aneirin, chwaraewr ‘synths’, mae’r band wedi dangos chydig mwy o “balls” wrth greu yr albwm newydd, gan greu sŵn mwy “epic” nag o’r blaen.
  Pan gefais i’r cyfle i wrando ar rai o’r caneuon newydd fel “Troi a Throsi” yn cael eu hadeiladu, gam-wrth-gam, yn y stiwdio roedd hi’n amlwg fod Yr Ods, gyda chymorth y cynhyrchydd Dave Wrench – sydd wedi cynhyrchu albyms i fandiau poblogaidd fel Race Horses yn barod - yn parhau i ddatblygu fel band, ac yn sicr o gael cydnybyddiaeth gan gefnogwyr cerddoriaeth yng Nghymru a thu hwnt am flynyddoedd i ddod. Ond nid yw hynny’n beth newydd i’r band o gwbwl, gan eu bod nhw wedi llwyddo i adeiladu cefnogaeth yn rhai o wyliau mwyaf Prydain yn barod fel ‘Glastonbury’ a ‘Penwythnos Mawr Radio 1’ yn 2010. Ond, er gwaethaf hyn, mae Rhys yn credu mai gigs Maes B yn 2009 a 2010 oedd y rhai mae ef wedi eu mwynhau mwyaf: “O ran y gig ei hun, ma’n siwr mai Maes B yn Glyn Ebwy naethon ni fwynhau fwya’, achos odd ymateb y crowd yn briliant. Ond, ar y llaw arall, roedd y gig yn Bala, yn 2009, yr un mor dda a phwysig, achos dyna pryd odda ni’n teimlo ‘bod ni wedi cyrradd ar y sîn go iawn”. Er fod nifer y gigs wedi lleihau, gan fod y band yn ceisio cael safon yr albwm mor uchel a phosib, mae nhw yn parhau i lenwi clybiau pob tro mae nhw’n chwarae, petai nhw’n chwarae yng Nghlwb Ifor Bach a Nos Da, neu mewn clybiau yn Llundain.
   Fel nesh i ddeud yn gynharach, mae Yr Ods wedi chwarae yn Glastonbury, un o wyliau mwyaf y byd, ar ddwy achlysur, a hynny oherwydd eu bod nhw wedi llwyddo i ennill cefnogaeth Emily Eavis,  merch Michael Eavis, sefydlydd yr ŵyl. Yn yr ŵyl yn 2010, tra roedd Griff a Rhys yn crwydro cefn llwyfan, daethant ar draws aelodau y band gwerin Mumford and Sons yn chwarae pel-droed, gan ymuno am kick-about. Ond wrth ofyn sut siawns bysa’ ganddyn nhw yn erbyn bandiau eraill y SRG, ymateb Rhys, sydd yn ffanatic ar dim Dinas Bangor, oedd: “Dim llawar o chance i fod yn onast, er, ma’ Gruff Pritchard yn decent, ma’n mwynhau ei five-a-side.” A chan gadw at gwestiynna’ eitha’ ysgafn, fe wnes i ofyn i Griff a Rhys pa gerddor neu ganwr, byw neu farw, fysan nhw’n wedi ei weld yn ymuno â’r band, a’r un ateb gafwyd gan y ddau : Tich Gwilym , un o gitarwyr mwyaf enwog a thalentog yn hanes yr SRG.
  Mi fysa wedi bod yn ddiddorol clywed sut fysa ‘Tich’ wedi cyfrannu at swn y band. Ond wrth i’r dydd ddod i ben, roeddwn eisiau gwybod beth oedd i ddod nesaf i’r band prysur hwn. “Blaw am trio gorffan yr albym, ma gyna ni chydig o gigs dros yr haf, mewn llefydd fel Gŵyl Gwydir, Maes B, Gŵyl Gardd Goll a Sesiwn Fawr, ond fel arall, dani jest yn edrach ar y posibilrwydd o fynd ar daith i gyd-fynd efo rhyddhau y CD”. O’r hyn dwi wedi glywed o’r albwm hyd yn hyn, rwy’n gwybod bydd hi’n werth ei chlywed a’i phrynnu, a bydd pob gig dros yr haf yn aros yn y cof.
Am fwy o wybodaeth a newyddion diweddaraf gan y band yn bersonol, dilynwch “@yr_ods” ar Twitter.


Yr Ods have certainly established themselves amongst the headlining band of the SRG. With songs such as 'Y Bel yn Rowlio', 'Cofio Chdi O'r Ysgol', 'Turn Around' & 'Fel Hyn am Byth' continually being played on the radio and on various TV programmes, the band has developed a large gathering of followers amongst the SRG. They are currently working on their first album, following the success of their EP, I caught up with Griff, Gruff, Rhys and both Osian, as they were nearing the end of the recording stage:

Rubbish, cartoons and lyrics. This was the sight as I walked into the recording studio for the new 'Yr Ods' album at 'Sain', Llandwrog. Certainly, this album is long-awaited amongst the followers of the band from North Wales, with everyone looking forward to hear how much of a change there will be in the sound of the music. Change has been quite regular for the band since Griff & Gruff formed the band in 2007, by developing from a "guitary" band to a brif-pop band, with synthesizers being very obvious in their music. But according to the singer and guitarist, Griff Lynch, different aspects from their entrie music collection will be combined on the album. which is set for release during the Autumn. There are obvious inspirations from Britpop band from the 90s, such as 'Pulp', in their songs, as we have already seen on the recent EP. But, according to Rhys, the synth player, they have shown much more 'balls' on this album, and have created a more 'epic' sound than before.

When I got the opportunity to listen to some of the new songs, such as 'Troi a Throsi', as they were developing, stage-by-stage, in the studio, it was obvious that Yr Ods, with assist from the producer, Dave Wrench - who has also produced albums for popular band such as Race Horses - were continually developing as a band, and are guaranteed to recieve more recoginition from fans within Wales and beyond, for years to come. But this is not a new thing for the band, as they have already managed to build a repoutation within some of the biggest festivals in Britain, such as Glasonbury and Radio 1's Big Weekend, in 2010.  But, although they have played at these massive festivals, Rhys believes that Maes B, both in 2009 and 2010, was the gigs he has enjoyed most: "Considering the gig itself, I think Maes B last year, in Ebbw Vale, was the one we enjoyed the most, because the crowd's reaction was amazing. But, the gig in Bala, in 2009, was as important for us beacuase that is when we truly felt that we had 'arrived' as a band." Although they have not been as busy over the past 6 months as they were during last summer, as the band has been trying to perfect the album to as higher a standar as possible, they continue to sell out their gigs, whether they are at Clwb Ifor Bach and Nos Da, or in clubs in London.

As I mentioned earlier, Yr Ods have played at Glastonbury, arguably the best festival in the world, and have done so on two occasions. This is due to the support they've received from Emily Eavis, Michael Eavis' daughter, the festival's fouder. Last year, as Griff and Rhys were wandering around the back-stage area, they stumbled apon members of Mumford and Sons, the popular folk band, playing football, and joined for a kick-about. But, asking how much of a chance they would stand against the other bands of the SRG, Rhys', a Bangor City fanatic, reckoned: "We wouldn't stand much of a chance to be honest, but Gruff Pritchard is decent, he enjoys a game of five-a-side." And to stay on the tracks of light-hearted questions, i asked Griff and Rhys which musician or singer, dead or alive, they would most like to see joining the band. Both gave the same answer: Tich Gwilym, one of the most legendary guitarist in the history of the SRG.
Certainly, it would have had been very interesting to hear Tich's contribution to the band. But, as the day drew to an end, I was really eager to know what was on the horizon for the band. "Except for trying to finish the album, we do have a few gigs over the summer, such as Gwyl Gwydir, Maes B, Gwyl Gardd Goll and Sesiwn Fawr, but otherwise, we are looking into the possibility of organizing a tour to launch the album." Of the sneak-peak that I have had so far, I know the album will be worth a listen and will definately be the must-purchase album of the year. I am pretty confident that all their gigs over the summer will be ever-so memorable.

For more information and the latest news from the band themselves, follow "@yr_ods" on Twitter.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

ADOLYGIAD GIG/ GIG REVIEW: Race Horses - Base, Bangor 28/05/2011

Roedd hi'n sioc mawr i mi wrth glywed fod Alun Gaffey wedi rhoi'r gorau iddi fel aelod o fand Race Horses, a fyntau yn un o'r aelodau gwreiddiol. Ond er gwaethaf hynny, roeddwn yn edrych ymlaen i glywed sut roedden nhw am swnio hebddo, a sut bysai'r band yn dygymod wedi ei golli.

Roeddwn heb glywed Race Horses yn fyw ers Gwyl Gardd Goll 2010, a roeddwn yn pryderu i glywed y 'swn newydd' yma roeddwn wedi clywed gymaint amdano. Roedd Mei, Dyl a Gwion yn dal yn rhan o'r band, ond gyda dau wyneb ychwannegol, un ohonynt yn ferch, gan ychwannegu dyfnder newydd i'w cerddoriaeth. Gan ddilyn We Are Animal a Yucatan i'r llwyfan, roedd Base, sef clwb nos ar gyrion tywyll dref Bangor, yn teimlo yn llawer mwy cyffrous wrth ddisgwyl i pumawd poblogaidd i ddod ar y llwyfan. Roedd y band yn dal i ddefnyddio'r egni y maen't yn adnabyddus amdano, gan chwarae clasuron fel 'Pony' a 'Grangetown 02920', ond y caneuon newydd wnaeth fy nharo i fwyaf. Fel arfer, mae'n well gini ddod i adnabod caneuon dros CD cyn eu clywed nhw yn fyw, ond fe wnaeth y caneuon hyn fy nghipio o funud cyntaf y gig, hyd at y funud lle roeddent yn cerdded oddi ar y llwyfan, un fesul un.

Nid dyma oedd y Race Horses fel roeddwn wedi dod ei adnabod dros y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf. Roeddent yn defnyddio 'synth' ychwannegol, offerynnau taro fel 'cowbells' a roedd hyd yn oed Mei, y chwaraewr bass a'r canwr, yn defnyddio rhywfaint o ddrwm bass. Fe gipwyd pawb yn y clwb gan y gerddoriaeth - ac am y tro cyntaf mewn gig 'SRG', fe roedd 'ravers' amlwg mewn tracsuits a baseball caps yn dawnsio ac yn mwynhau.

Yn sicr, tydw i methu disgwyl i glywed yr albwm newydd, sydd i'w ryddhau o fewn y ddau fis nesaf, ac i barhau i'w dilyn mewn gigiau ar draws Cymru.

I must admit, I was shocked when I heard that Alun Gaffey, one of Race Horses' founding members, had decided to go his seperate ways. But, in spite of this, I was looking forward to hearing how they would sound without him, and if they would be able to cope!

I hadn't heard Race Horses in a live gig since Gwyl Gardd Goll last summer, and was apprehensively awaiting  to hear the 'new sound' of which I have heard so much about over the last few weeks. Mei. Dyl and Gwion were all familiarly part of the set-up, but there were two new faces - one being a girl - which added new depth in to their music. Following We Are Animal and Yucatan to the stage, Base, a night club in the dark parts on the outskirts of Bangor's city centre, was buzzing as the anticipated crowd were awaiting the popular headliners to take the stage - and certainly lit up this side of Bangor. The famous energy possessed by the band was still as strong as ever, as they belted out fans favourites such as 'Pony' and 'Grangetown 02920', but it was the new songs that really caught my attention. I usually prefer to get to know new songs by listening to them on a CD before hearing the live product, but these songs caught my attention from the minute the band took to the stage, to the minute when they all walked off to the familiar sound of feedback that we've heard so often at Race Horses gigs.

This wasn't the Race Horses I had come to familiarise myself with over the past two years. There was an extra synth, an extra percussion player and even Mei, the bassist and lead singer, played the drum base on one song. Everyone in the club was caught up by this piece of art - and for the first time in a Welsh Rock Scene gig, I saw hardcore ravers dancing along and really having a good time.

Certainly, I personally cannot wait to hear their new album, which is set for release within the upcoming two months, and to continue to follow them in gigs around Wales over the summer.

CYFWELIAD / INTERVIEW: Osian Gwynedd - Sibrydion

Mae Osian Gwynedd wedi mwynhau cyfnod llwyddiannus iawn yn y byd cerddorol, gan fod yn aelod o’r grwpiau hynod boblogaidd Big Leaves a’r Sibrydion, yn ogystal a chwarae â rhai o fandiau byd-enwog o Gymru megis Catatonia a’r Super Furry Animals.

Enw: Osian Gwynedd
Swydd: Cerddor Hunangyflogedig

Sut fath o ddylanwad, os o gwbl, gafodd dy gyfnod mewn addysg ar dy ddiddordeb mewn cerddoriaeth:
 Cychwynnais i yn Ysgol Waunfawr , a mae’n rhaid fi ddeud, sw ni’n synnu os oes na ysgol well i gael cyfle neu brofiad i ddechra chwarae cerddoriaeth. ’Odd pawb yn cael dechra efo recordyrs, ac yn symud mlaen i melodicas, fflwits, clarinets a ballu - offerynna da ni yn dal i’w defnyddio fel band hyd heddiw!  Tra yn ysgol Dre, roedd hyd yn oed fwy o gyfleuon. Yn hoff athrawes i oedd Menai Williams, a dwi’n cofio yn y flwyddyn gyntaf, hi’n son am nodau fel lliwiau gwahanol. Wow - “Far out”!!
Roedd holl aelodau’r Big Leaves yn ddigyblion yn Syr Hugh Owen. O eddach chi’n ffrindia yn yr ysgol?
Oedda ni’n  ffrindia ers cyn cof, achos bo ni gyd wedi ein dwyn fynu yn Waunfawr. Ddechreuo ni fand o’r enw “Bron a Methu”, enw sal I ddweud y gwir, yn tua 8 oed, oedd yn beth hollol naturiol i ni ar y pryd. Y drefn fel arfer oedd chwara “man-hunt” yn yr haf, a practeisio efo’r band yn festri Waun pan oedd hi’n bwrw! Da ni gyd dal yn ffrindia mawr!
Unrhyw atgofion neu storiau diddorol am dy amser yn yr ysgol? Athrawon?
Rhy niferus - a fyw i mi achwyn am neb!!
Fuest ti’n cymryd rhan yn Eisteddfodau’r Ysgol o gwbl? Pa fath o gystadlaethau?
Dwi’m yn gallu adrodd, actio, na chanu, felly nes i gadw at gystadlu ar offerynnau cerddorol!
Oeddet ti mewn band yn yr ysgol?
 Mi fues i’n myrrath efo ambell i fand gwahanol. Yn ogystal a Beganifs, ddoth criw o ffrindia ysgol at ein gilydd i ffurfio band o’r enw “Wil Gignoeth a’i Wallgofion” oedd yn lond ceg I’w ddweud, ag yn uffar o hwyl. Escgiws oedd o i gael cambyhafio wrth edrych ‘nol!

Rwyt ti wedi chwarae gyda cerddorion a bandiau byd enwog, ond pa gig yw’r mwyaf cofiadwy i ti yn personol?
Anodd deud pa gig sy’n sefyll allan achos bo nw’n gallu amrywio cymaint. Ond o ran lleoliad a maint, mae’n debyg mai chwarae fel aelod o “The Peth” yn cefnogi Oasis yn Stadiwm y Mileniwm sy’n sefyll allan.
Pwy oeddet ti’n ei edmygu pan yn ifanc?
Pan ddechreuish i fynd i gigs, mi o’n i’n ffodus fod na gymaint o fandia cymraeg gwych o gwmpas lle. Rhai fel Ffa Coffi Pawb, Anhrefn, Y Cyrff ayyb. ‘Odd eu cerddoriaeth nw’n sefyll allan o gymharu a unrhywbeth saesneg o’n i wedi ei glywed, a felly, hein oedd y bobol o’n i’n edrych fynu atyn nhw.
Pa fath o steil sydd ar dy gerddoriaeth?
Sgen i’m syniad be di sdeil fy ngherddoriaeth! Peth da am fod yn hunangyflogedig ydi’r siawns o weithio ar brosiectau  gwahanol. Dwi di cyfansoddi ar gyfer cwmnia theatr a theledu, a ma anghenion y gwaith yn amrwyio gyda phob joban. Felly, mae’n well peidio cyfyngu fy hun i un sdeil neu arddull.
Llwyddiant cerddorol mwyaf?
Dwn i’m!! Anodd cymharu. Ond mi nesh i fwynhau gweithio efo Theatr Y Fran Wen ar gynhyrchiad o’r enw  “Johnny Delaney” .  Y mwynhad pennaf ydi gweld ymateb y gynulleidfa a fod y gerddoriaeth, boed pa mor fach, wedi cael argraff.
Beth sydd gin ti ar y gweill ar y funud?
Ma Mei, ym mrawd, a finna, ‘di bod yn sgwennu albym newydd i Sibrydion, a da ni wrthi ar y brosoes recordio ar hyn o bryd.
Ar ba raglenni teledu mae dy gerddoriaeth i’w clywed?
Ambell i engraifft ydi rhaglenni “Pethe”, “Rhyfedd-Od”, sig yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, ac i ddod yn fuan, miwsig i ddrama newydd S4C o’r enw “Gwaith Cartref”.
Dy gan orau di yn bersonol yr ydwyt wedi ei chyfansoddi?
Y nesa gobeithio!

Osian Gwynedd has enjoyed a very successful career within the music industry, being a member of popular bands such as Sibrydion and Big Leaves, as well as playing for world-famous bands from Wales, such as Catatonia and Super Furry Animals.
Name: Osian Gwynedd
Profession: Self-Employed Musician

How much of an influence did your time in education have on your interest in music?
I started of at Ysgol Waunfawr, and I must admit, I very much doubt if there is a better school to have an opportunity or experience of starting to play musical instruments. Everyone got to start of with recorders, before moving on to melodicas, flutes, clarinets etc. - instruments we still use today as a band! While at Ysgol Syr Hugh Owen, Caernarfon, I had even more opportunities. My favourite teacher was Mrs Menai Williams, and I still remember how she taught us the keys as being colours. Wow - far out!
All of Big Leaves' members were students at Syr Hugh Owen. Were you all friends during your time at school?
We've been friends for as long as I can remember - as we were raised in Waunfawr. We started a band called 'Bron a Methu' ('Almost Failing'), a terrible name in truth, when we were 8 years old as it was a totally natural thing for us at the time. I remember the order - playing man-hunt during the summer, and practice with the band when it rained. We're all still good friend today.

Any memories or interesting stories from schools? What about the teachers?
To many to name - and I dare not complain about anyone.

Did you take part in any Eisteddfod competitions during your time at schools? What type of competitions?
I can't act, sing or recitate - therefore I only took part in instrumental competitions.

Were you in a band in school?
I experiemented with many bands while at school. On top of 'Beganifs', a few of us came together to form a band called 'Wil Gignoeth a'i Wallgofion' - which is a bit of a tounge twister and was a lot of fun. Looking back, I think it was just an excuse to misbehave in truth!

You've had the opportunity to play with world-famous artists and bands, but which gig was the most memorable for you personally?
It's hard to pick one gig out, as they vary so much. But considering location and size, playing with Rhys Ifans' 'The Peth', supporting Oasis, at Millenium Stadium does stand out.

Who did you admire when you were young?
When i started going to see gigs, I was lucky that there was so many excellent welsh bands around. I liked to watch bands such as 'Ffa Coffi Pawb', 'Yr Anhrefn', 'Y Cyrff' etc. Their music stood out so much to compare with anything english I had heard, therefore these were the people I looked up to.

What is your personal style of music?
I have no idea what is my style! What is great about being self-employed is the opportunity to work on different projects. I've composed fod theatr companies and television programmes, so each tasks have different needs. It is, therefore, important not to restrict myself to one particular steil or genre.

What is your biggest music achievement?
I don't know. It's hard to compare. But I did enjoy working with 'Theatr y Fran Wen' on their production, "Johnny Delaney". The biggest enjoyment is seeing the audience's reaction and that the music, however big it is, has had an impact.

What is on the horizon for you?
My brother, Mei, and I have been writing a new album for 'Sibrydion', and we are currently in the recording process.

On what television programmes can we hear your music?
There are a lot of programmes on S4C, such as 'Pethe', 'Rhyfedd-Od', 'Eisteddfod Genedlaethol' and an upcoming drama, 'Gwaith Cartref'.

What is the best song that you have composed?
The next one, hopefully!